visualization and image data management

22th Meeting "Towards a thick-tissue 3D atlas for characterizing cell neighborhoods and shape in melanoma with CyCIF"

Please join us Friday, 11/17/2023 11AM ET for a talk titled “Towards a thick-tissue 3D atlas for characterizing cell neighborhoods and shape in melanoma with CyCIF”. Microscopy-based tissue imaging is commonly performed at a resolution sufficient to determine cell types but not detect the subtle morphological features associated with cytoskeletal reorganisation, juxtracrine signalling, or membrane trafficking. Here we introduce a 3D imaging approach with high-resolution 54-plex cyclic immunofluorescence (CyCIF) using existing instruments and reagents that is able to characterize a wide variety of organelles and structures at sub-micron scale, cell morphology at the cellular level, while simultaneously quantifying millimetre-scale spatial features.

Presenters: Clarence is the Director of Microscopy and Image Analysis at the Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology (LSP) under Professor Peter Sorger, as well as a research associate at the Image and Data Analysis Core (IDAC) under Dr. Hunter Elliott, and regularly works with the Nikon Imaging Center (NIC) under Dr. Jennifer Waters at Harvard Medical School (HMS). His main interests are in aiding experimental design of imaging assays through collaboration, as well as applying deep learning to 2D, 3D and 4D image analysis problems.

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