visualization and image data management

21th Meeting "SpatialData - an open and universal data framework for spatial omics"

Please join us Friday, 10/13/2023 11AM ET for a talk titled “SpatialData: an open and universal data framework for spatial omics”. Spatially resolved omics technologies are transforming our understanding of biological tissues. However, handling uni- and multi-modal spatial omics datasets remains a challenge owing to large volumes of data, heterogeneous data types and the lack of unified spatially-aware data structures. Here, we introduce SpatialData, a framework that establishes a unified and extensible multi-platform file-format, lazy representation of larger-than-memory data, transformations, and alignment to common coordinate systems. SpatialData facilitates spatial annotations and cross-modal aggregation and analysis, the utility of which is illustrated via multiple vignettes, including integrative analysis on a multi-modal Xenium and Visium breast cancer study.

Presenters: Giovanni Palla is currently a PhD candidate at Helmholtz Munich advised by Professor Fabian Theis. He received his Bachelors degree in biotechnology from the University of Trento in 2016, and Masters degree in drug innovation from Utrecht University in 2018. In addition to his research on algorithms for analysis of atlas-scale and spatially-resolved single-cell data, Giovanni is also a co-founder and developer in the Scverse project to develop foundational open-source tools for single-cell omics data analysis.


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