visualization and image data management

18th Meeting "Computational Segmentation and Visualization of Multiplex Segmentation Data"

Please join us Friday, 06/16/2023 11AM ET for two talk titled “Computational Segmentation of Renal Microanatomy, and Implication in Diabetes and Transplant “ and “Interactive Visualization of Kidney Structural Segmentations and Associated Pathomic Features on Whole Slide Images”. In this talk, we will introduce computational renal pathology, and discuss detection, segmentation, quantification, and classification of microanatomical structures from renal histology giga-pixel size whole slide images. We will also discuss our ongoing efforts on computational data fusion integrating imaging morphometric and molecular omics data. We will conclude by discussing potential implications of our tools in the area of diabetes and renal transplantation.

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17th Meeting "WebAtlas Pipeline for Integrated Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomic Data"
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19th Meeting "VR, data storytelling, AI - more than a fad for visual analytics of hi-plex imaging data?"