visualization and image data management

17th Meeting "WebAtlas Pipeline for Integrated Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomic Data"

Please join us Friday, 05/19/2023 11AM ET for a talk titled “WebAtlas pipeline for integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomic data”. Single cell and spatial transcriptomics illuminate complementary features of tissues. However, online dissemination and exploration of integrated datasets is challenging due to the heterogeneity and scale of data. We introduce the WebAtlas pipeline for user-friendly sharing and interactive navigation of integrated datasets. WebAtlas unifies commonly used atlassing technologies into the cloud-optimised Zarr format and builds on Vitessce to enable remote data navigation. We showcase WebAtlas on the developing human lower limb to cross-query cell types and genes across single cell, sequencing- and imaging-based spatial transcriptomic data.

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18th Meeting "Computational Segmentation and Visualization of Multiplex Segmentation Data"