Next Generation Tools for Spatial Tissue Genomics by Dr. Fei Chen

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Recording of the meeting held on March 9th 2022


Dr. Fei is a core faculty member at the Broad Institute and an assistant professor in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University.

Dr. Fei co-invented Expansion Microscopy, which is a technique that allows for super-resolution like imaging using normal light microscopes. Dr. Fei’s lab now develops new technologies for spatial genomics and has made multiple seminal contributions in the area of spatial transcriptomics and spatial genomics. Dr. Fei was awarded the NIH Director’s Early Independence Award and the Allen Distinguished Investigator Award.

Dr. Fei will talks about Next Generation tools for spatial tissue genomics, particularly spatial DNA sequencing which is critical in understanding cancer evolution.

The next meeting will be announced on our Twitter handle:

Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome address by Dr. Ajit Johnson Nirmal
  • Announcements made on release of website
  • Announcemnets made on formation of twitter
  • Plan to meet at AACR conference
  • Science talk by Dr. Fei Chen


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