visualization and image data management

24th Meeting "Under the hood of the HTAN DCC"

Please join us Friday, 02/09/2024 11AM ET, for a talk titled “Under the hood of the HTAN DCC”. The Human Tumor Atlas Network Data Coordinating Center provides the tools, resources and expertise to enable HTAN data contributors to annotate and share their multiplexed tissue imaging and advanced sequencing data according to FAIR principles. In this talk, Adam Taylor, Senior Scientist at Sage Bionetworks, will take you under the hood of the HTAN DCC to look at some of its infrastructure and operations; exposing the challenges of curating and sharing thousands of datasets and millions of metadata attributes across ten research programs.

Presenters: Adam Taylor is a Senior Research Scientist at Sage Bionetworks. His research interests are in the application of multimodal mass spectrometry imaging and advanced data analysis approaches to unravel spatial heterogeneity in tumour metabolism.

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